04 September 2017

Whole30 Challenge...wait how did I get here?

In early August, I was talking about how I wanted to do a cleanse and start 'clean eating' to see if I could shed a few pounds - a long overdue trip to Hawaii is scheduled for later this fall. A colleague of mine suggested I do Whole30 with her. We'd kick it off on September 5 after we get back from Labor Day weekend. I said, 'Sure!" really not knowing what I was getting into.

Shortly after agreeing to The Challenge, I bought the book; began researching recipes online and the philosophy behind it. I was so intrigued by what I read that I figured I'd start ramping up. I began drinking 100 oz + 'spa water' a day (I'll blog about it separately) and started to try out a few recipes using Whole30 'compliant' ingredients. This way my body wouldn't be in total shock when it officially started. 

The program seems reasonable: NO grains, sugar, legumes, soy (a legume), and of course NO ALCOHOL! Initially this sounds like a a whole lot of NO FUN, but I can do anything for 30 days right? And while weight loss is not the primary goal for the program (the program suggests you only weigh in at the beginning & end of the 30 days) most people report they lose weight, and more importantly, feel great! I want to not only look great but *feel* great too!

The key to the program will be reading labels (lots of sneaky stuff in our food today), moderation, and choices. This program is designed to reset ourselves. Gain an understanding of what is our relationship to food. And become aware of our triggers to making food choices. I'm looking forward to discovering all this. It is big step in my ongoing journey in self-care.

I've read online and heard from some of my friends who have done / are doing this and similar programs (Paleo, Whole Life Challenge, etc.) that they get into a food rut and find they are bored with food! Really? My colleague says since I like to cook, the program will be easy for me. I can eat all the protein, vegetables, fruit, and nuts? Lobster! Avocados! Watermelon! Cashew Milk! All 'compliant'!?! I can do this! So for the next 30 days, I am taking the challenge to make Whole30 food that is not only 'compliant' but tastes good too. 

Ok Whole30...I'm ready! LET'S DO THIS YO!