26 August 2017

cashew milk

I've long been fascinated with making my own plant based milks but have been intimidated by the work involved in straining sediment through milk bag. It sounded messy and labor intensive...until I discovered cashew milk! Cashew milk is a rich, silky milk that, in my opinion, tastes even better than conventional cow's milk. And unlike other nut milks (e.g. almond) no straining required! The sediment is so fine that it just acts as a thickener to the final product. I love this stuff. Try it and I'm sure you'll be hooked!

cashew milk

1 cup raw cashews
1 teaspoon vanilla bean powder (or 2 teaspoon extract)
1 medjool date
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
4 cups cold water
Additional water to soak cashews

Soak cashews for 4hrs (up to 24)
In a VitaMix combine drained cashews, date, vanilla salt, and 2 cups water. Blend until smooth. Add another 2 cups water and blend another minute.

Store in refrigerator. Keeps for about a week. Makes approximately 40oz cashew milk