05 April 2013


I almost forgot all about my food experiment/potluck dish for the sf food swap- tom yum rice balls. I was first introduced to these in grad school. My classmate Jeff brought these amaze-balls to an end of semester feast (I think it was a Flash class). His wife Top, originally from Thailand, makes these for family gatherings and parties all the time.

I decided to research them and make a version of my own. Top's are still the best, but mine will do when I get a craving. BTW: Aimee, the coordinator of the food swap wanted the recipe for a party, so I must've done something right.

thai tots (tom yum rice balls)
4 cups cooked jasmine rice (fresh cooked)
2 tbsp tom yum paste*
1-2 tbsp fish sauce*

1 large shallot or 3 green onions- finely minced
a pinch of sugar
oil for deep frying

Combine all ingredients in a bowl except for the oil. Check the seasoning and adjust if necessary. If it becomes dry, just add some water so it will be easier to roll. 

Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature before rolling into balls. Wet hands with water to keep the rice from sticking to them.

Heat the oil on the stove or use a deep fryer, fry until golden about 3 minutes.